Search Results for: rug-ed

What to Keep from Remote Teaching and Learning

What to Keep from Remote Teaching and Learning

During the pandemic, we had no other choice than to shift how we facilitate and engage in learning. Sure, it was stressful, exhausting, and overwhelming, but educators everywhere did what they had to do to ensure students received what they needed. We’ve learned what works, what didn’t work, and what we would do differently throughout…

Remote Learning Reflections, Tips, and Insights
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Remote Learning Reflections, Tips, and Insights

This past school year certainly provided an opportunity to look at teaching and learning through a different lense. As an instructional coach/technology integration specialist and a mom of teen boys who are 16 and 13, I was able to see what was and wasn’t working for educators and learners, as everything shifted to being virtual….

Gratitude for Educators: Ideas on How We Can Uplift Others

Gratitude for Educators: Ideas on How We Can Uplift Others

In appreciation of educators in ALL roles! GIVEAWAY included at the end! It’s April 18th and here in New York, we woke to 4 inches of snow–– yes, snow! Can you even believe it? It’s days like this (especially during a pandemic and stay at home order) where I could choose to gripe and feel…


L.E.A.P. into the Holiday Season with a Giveaway to Celebrate YOU!

This post is in collaboration with Rug-Ed. All opinions are my own. Empowering learners to bring their technology along wherever their learning takes them, can transform the school experience. Imagine your learners taking their iPads on field trips to capture their learning to create video summaries. Or, exploring science concepts outside and capturing images related…

Back-to-School Giveaway to Empower Learning On the Go!

This blog post is written as a Back-to-School Giveaway in Partnership with Rug-Ed iPad Cases In the past, I have shared my love for Rug-Ed iPad cases. There are many reasons why they positively contribute to the way I facilitate learning, and because it’s back-to-school time, I am excited to announce that I’m doing a…

Leveraging Technology to Empower Learning
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Leveraging Technology to Empower Learning

With the constant innovation occurring within EdTech, it can leave educators scratching their heads on which way to turn. Some educators opt to utilize technology as a substitution for paper and pencil tasks while others are seeking tech tools that engage and empower learning to transform experiences. Many educators use a combination of approaches to…

Learners on the Go with Technology in Tow? No Problem!

Learners on the Go with Technology in Tow? No Problem!

With all of the activity that occurs throughout the day in our classroom as we explore, create, and make within all areas of learning, it’s essential that our technology is protected to the fullest extent. As active participants, students leverage technology in meaningful ways by developing videos to capture their learning and then editing accordingly…

Maker Mornings Empower Learning
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Maker Mornings Empower Learning

Maker Mornings Empower Learning From the moment they enter the classroom, learners are on the go! Each day, we spend the first twenty-five minutes of class engaging in any activity of choice. A few years back, a ten-year-old girl in my class suggested that we should have maker mornings. Rather than visiting the makerspace here…